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Sunday, 2 February 2025
Advice and questions to help in the analysis or discussion of films and in the production of essays
and questions to help in the analysis or discussion of films,
in producing an essay
During my thirty-five
years in teaching, I helped a number of pupils prepare essays, principally on
films but occasionally on plays and books, usually by asking questions that would elicit
reflection and help build their essays.
I thought young students
setting out on essay-writing might find the following advice and questions of
some help in responding to a film and in constructing an essay about it.
Useful definitions
Principal and secondary
Very roughly, principal
characters may drive change and plot while secondary characters are affected by
plot or add to our understanding of principal characters, theme and plot.
Themes are underlying
universal concepts or ideas that may have relevance to readers’ own lives, e.g.
love, compassion, freedom, justice, morality, responsibility.
In writing a general
discussion of a film, one possible framework is:
Give a brief outline of what
the film is about, mentioning storyline and substance.
Characters } Discuss the principal characters and their
traits while linking them
Themes } to themes you may have identified.
Conclusion Give your considered assessment of how
successful the film is.
Consider how the film
(and its characters) make you feel and try to explain why.
In writing your essay,
try to be relevant, reasoned and concise.
Can you encapsulate what
the film is about without reference to detail?
Did the producers have a purpose
in mind when they made the film?
Can you identify any
Is attention drawn to a
particular character or issue?
Is there clarity in the
ending or is it ambivalent?
Can you differentiate
between principal and secondary characters?
What do you make of the
characters? Are they sympathetic, unpleasant, comical or do they have a mixture
of traits?
Is there a conflict
between characters? If so, what is the source of the conflict?
Do the characters change
in the course of the film? Do they evolve, remain largely the same or
Are ideas expressed by any
of the characters, and how are they expressed?
What can you deduce about
the characters from their words and actions?
Are there consequences of
verbal exchanges or actions?
Do characters challenge
others, conventions or traditional thought?
Does one character
influence others?
Is there a collision
between points of view?
Do any of the characters support
a particular position or stance?
Does the
author/screenwriter seem to favour a particular point of view?
What themes can you
identify, and are they presented positively or negatively?
Are characters being used
to illustrate certain themes? If so, how?
Does the film challenge conventional
views or stances?
Did you find the story
and characters engaging? Why or why not?
Was the ending
satisfying? Why or why not?
Did the production flow
or were there inconsistencies?
Were you struck by the
style of the making of the film? Did this contribute positively or negatively?
Was the storyline strong throughout
or was the film padded?
Did the production have
integrity or was it self-indulgent?
Can you identify
particular strengths or weaknesses (pace, rhythm, performance, direction,
script, music, production values, photography, length)?
What do you feel about
the film? Did you find it entertaining, engaging, thought-provoking, amusing,
confusing, intriguing, touching, clear-headed?
If you have been asked to
write on particular aspects of the film, consider definitions of the terms used
in the question and think of ways in which the storyline, characters and themes
meet the criteria set in the question.
At least some of the
questions above may assist you in this task.
You should assume the
reader of your essay knows nothing about the topic so you need to convince the
reader of your views by constructing a reasoned and clear essay in support of
your observations.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you found these notes of some benefit.
Stuart Fernie (stuartfernie@yahoo.co.uk)